India Ranks 150th Out Of 180 Countries In The RSF 2022 World Press Freedom Index And We're Not Surprised

India Ranks 150th Out Of 180 Countries In The RSF 2022 World Press Freedom Index And We’re Not Surprised

Let’s stir the pot, shall we? Globally governments have outright denied and slammed most datas from independent agencies and there is no denying they’ll yet again deny this one! Yes! ‘DENY’ is the operative keyword here. Deny your right to free speech. Deny your right to peaceful assembly. Deny your right to protest. Deny your right to write. Deny your right to report. Try doing chaploosi and you won’t be denied any! No seriously! Ask the holier than thou holler in chief at the cheapublic tv! A larger chunk of media has become utterly baised and polarised. The remnants are ostracised and harassed!

Here’s a grim status of how the press is muzzled across the globe.

And nah most countries don’t do that quite openly. They puppeteer and poke via agencies and bureaucracies and even paid media! While nordic nations have consistently set a benchmark, we have quite comfortably slid 8 positions to achieve 150th rank out of 180 in the World Press Freedom Index released by media watchdog Reporters Sans Frontières. *Slow claps*

Try publishing a story that peels off the whitewashed glazed hollow walls of achievement of the ruling regime. Boom! IT raid! Try raising your voice as an activist in the socials with the choicest courteous words. Bam! Minions crawling all over your feed abusing the life outta you with the choicest expletives! Try reporting on what is so obviously an abuse of human rights and civil rights. You might end up being cordoned off or manhandled or even jailed.

It’s not just the governments across the world, it’s the gullible sheeples driven by propaganda and pseudo nationalism who form the hate brigade. There are covert agencies with paid trolls and there are lone wolves too at the congregation! These are the labels available at the hate factory! Deshdrohi! Gaddar! Urban Naxals! Tukde Tukde Gang! All come in unison to trample any voice that ain’t scripted.

Until these hate mongering troll factories are shut down (Hello Musk) most nations (including ours) will continue to see journos and commoners harassed for speaking the truth to the power of ‘t’. That’s on a social front. There needs to be policy change too. Governments should cease with their draconian laws and arm twisting. Pillars of democracy including the media and judiciary should be able to do their job unrestrained.

“Where the mind is without fear!. . .Into that heaven of freedom, my Father let my country awake”! Amen!

Here’s how tweeples reacting


See Also: The Public Doesn’t Agree With Elon Musk’s ‘Freedom Of Speech’ Twitter Crusade

Cover Image: Pixabay


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