has intended to make every poor child future a successful one. No child gets
treated unequally. Each and every child gets an elementary education. With this
aim, Equalsign has taken many measures with respect to the betterment of the
future of poor children. Our main focus is always on providing education to the
poor children whose parents cannot avail such facilities to their children.
Children are the phase of god; they are the only ones who’ll make policies,
rules, and regulations in the future if they get a proper education. Instead of
ignoring them we should fulfill their needs and requirements. We all should
know that education is a human right, so as its a human right we should
fight for it if there are some barrier applies.
innovations, skills, narrative ideas, intelligence and many more. These
children don’t get a chance to express this. Many children get facilities to
express all these but they are not interested maybe they are interested in some
other field.
interested and want to express or show their talent, don’t get a chance. So for
them, we should take initiative and help them to get an education. As the citizen
of the same country, we are the only ones who can open the door of hopes of the
poor children. We should not apply any barriers to any children to express
their talent. We should give those children opportunities and we’ll be
surprised later on with an elegant collection of activities. NGOs apart from
education also take part in making every child perfect in all the activities.
activities may include:
- Probing the space to dive beneath the ocean,
- From sports horizon to sketching canvases,
- By chanting songs to coming up with dialogues on a
platform, - From doing experiments in laboratories to stir pans in
to the poor with donation and sponsorship
Children have sensible minds they
only do things that they asked to do. Just like the poor families if they don’t
have food to eat their parents unwillingly send their kids to the footpath for
child labor or to beg from a rupee or two with which they can fill their empty
stomach. This is such a situation that can be only resolved if everyone takes
part in helping those children. With an aim to provide good and quality
education to those children. If somebody wants to help those children they can
donate to the NGOs or can sponsor a child to the NGO or can also become a volunteer for NGO India. Education is not a privilege it’s a human right,
do no one can put barriers for anyone in getting an education.
is a Human Right
the right to get education either the poor or the rich. There should not be any
partiality or inequality between them. But as the poor cannot afford such
facilities for them numerous NGOs have taken place in every country. Many of
them search for best NGO for education in India, for sponsoring or
donating for child education with an aim to make his/her future better, but
they get stuck in this as in a hurry, either they donate for education to a
fraud or take sponsorship in a fraud NGO. Later they realize about this.
running campaigns offline and even they have their own websites wherein you can
directly donate online only after knowing everything about the NGO. If a person
doesn’t wish to donate online they can also locate the nearest NGO and donate
after going there. As education is not a privilege it’s a human right, one
should fight for it and also help those (NGOs) who are helping those poor
children who don’t get an education.
is wealth
focusing on NGO also focuses on health and care. As if the health of the
child is good then only he/she will be active in the class and will be safe
from falling sick or else they cannot understand things taught in the class.
‘Health is wealth’ is a common wording. This wording becomes more valuable when
it comes to children. Till the age of five, a child is treated to be the
most important development aspect as an important amount of growth and gets
knowledge during these five years.
encourages healthy development by consuming a nutritious diet. Nutrition
enhances psychological functioning, relevant physical growth, manages stamina
levels, and contributes improved immunity against viruses and illnesses
more often regular to class and are more interested in being assisted in better
classes for learning and expands participation in academic curriculum exercises
such as sports, artistry and all cultures. This inspires children a sense of
determination to attain big in life. Apart from this, children also progress in
good social skills that as a result increase complete personality growth. In
addition, good health is also a crucial visible feature to attain growth
breakthroughs between children. For instance, a diet that includes nutrition
improves immunity against viruses and illness. Therefore, it keeps away
children from getting sick. Taking the nutritious diet is not just for
childhood benefit but they also develop up to be a healthful person.
children’s health and care in Port Blair and Andaman. Equalsign is one of
them who also helps children in keeping their health good and takes care of
every basic thing.
every child’s dream
also prepare our children teaching them all the rights with which in the coming
future they can fight for education or for any right if the poor children or
person is in need. Equalsign as the best NGO for education in India
supports every child with education and helps to fulfill their needs. As they
are unaware of human rights, as an NGO we help those poor children and assist
them will all their rights so that they can fight to get their rights in the
future either for themselves or for other poor children. With education, any
child can make their future better. So if a child is getting a barrier in
getting an education so with the help of some other elders they can fight for
it as education is a human right.
with their own set of ambition, imagination, culture, and prospects. Many times
a child can wholly confuse you with their intelligence. Sometimes they may
appeal you with their decency. This is only when every child gets a lawful opportunity
they will be capable of exploring the intelligence and life with much liberty.
A lot of NGOs just like Equalsign are working hard to assist with this form of
real subsistence so every child can learn to have an unbiased stand about
entities around them and make options on their own.
does Equalsign do?
Education is an essential part of
each and every child arising up every year. When a child is given an identical
chance to get an education and understand, they are able to pick up necessary
lessons for life along the way. Equalsign looks after the child’s health and
provides healthy food. When a child has identical assets for physical and
mental subsistence, they arise up without bitterness against their conditions.
By providing them nutrition and looking after their health is a way to focus on
the energies against problems such as education, information, psychological
intelligence and giving respect to everyone.
of Education
us in every regard to our identity. It shapes our personality by stone, it
grows and propels every child’s mind to its maximum capacity and promote a
great love for lifelong education and intelligence in them. Without learning,
no child cannot reach their full prospective. Education unlocks up new options
for everyone and grants the persistent. Education educates us on moralities in
life such as intelligence, equity, courage, and prohibition.
Children’s imaginations can be
sincere and real. Their minds are also free to generate a sketch of what they
want to attain in their life. When these mini minds desire to attain something
and efforts towards the imagination, it permits them in finding their
capabilities and powers. Nevertheless, in India, we have more than 17 million
children. They don’t get an approach to primary education or not even a proper
meal. This leaves an impact on them to controls their desires and gives in to
the misfortune of gaining a few rupees every day. In this situation, dreams
that have great prospective to see wealth get conquered. To alleviate children
from such adverse situations, it is crucial. That we, as a community, not only
assist them to approach the essentials but also motivate them to imagine big.
child a chance to fulfill their dreams was established recently by the
Equalsign foundation. It targets to perform as a leading star for every child
in getting a step adjacent to their dreams. With providing the right
assistance, every child with dreams will be capable of understanding their
desires. They will also develop their skills. In a world where everything is
destructively combative, a dream does not get fulfilled unless or until you
trust and permit it a chance and the wealth once you have attained it, overcomes
the tough journey. With a faith that each and every child’s dream in our
province gets an equitable opportunity. The objective of providing every child
a chance to fulfill their dreams has gained success.
for education
is a good decision of a person. As with educational opportunities a children
can show their intelligence. The donations are basically in the utilization of
providing quality education to the children. Children are forthcoming and they
deserve a future that comes with economic, physical and psychological safety.
Education is a method towards the end of poverty. It improves future
expectations, motivates kid’s dreams and authorizes children to follow dreams.
Without education, job safety and worth employment are hard to come by and the
range for growth is less. Education with wonderful options it introduces is for
both the men and the women to assume. It plays a crucial portion in releasing
people from the chains of restrictions, obsolete thinkings of society.
‘if you educate a child, you educate the whole family’. If a country has to
develop- financially and socially – education and intelligence are the only
needs that need to be achieved. A well-authorized staff is a frightening
strength that excites and increases expenditure in the nation. It also leads to
getting more jobs, high revenues, a better quality of living and major success
for the country. It also helps to a rise in a nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
A perception of satisfaction grows among residents when a country advances
impressively. And then gives them great encouragement to struggle for its
further growth. Article 21A was enacted keeping in mind that education is a
human right and children between 6 to 14 years may get compulsory
does education do?
health and cleanliness. Healthful executions in daily life are accepted by
well-learned people. This is done from the day when they were made well-informed
and satisfied with the logic behind them. Be it be the daily executions,
problems related to motherly and children’s health are steps to take to assure
a healthy future. Education is considerably influential in educating people
about all these things. Your single donation to charity organizations can also
give an advantage to you as well. As it helps you from income tax exclusion.
Under sections, 35AC and 80GGA of the Income Tax Act 1961, each and every
funding more than Rs 500 made to an authorized non-governmental organization,
is permitted for 100% tax exclusion. As a fact donating for education can be
worth donating that helps every donor to get the tax advantage.
children from diminished areas is generally an encouraging agreement. This is
because many of the unprivileged kids have skills and desires but they do not
get an opportunity to present it. Each and every time we donate to charity
organizations for education, we open the doors of hopes for every child who is
expecting to get a chance to fulfill their dreams. Therefore, after
understanding and researching about the need and requirements of the
unprivileged children NGOs have taken the step. One of them is Equalsign, it
has taken a step forward with a aim to fulfill every child’s dream a successful
one. As education is a human right, all the child whether it be rich or
poor everyone requires education.