There can be myriad reasons for
taking up Vocational courses. Some people attend these for the skill
reinforcement; some are keen on learning and gaining additional traits, but a
majority of the students of these vocational courses take these up for purely
economic reasons. They may not be able to afford costly professional courses in
big institutions or do not have academic brilliance to face the entrance
examinations or face pressing financial conditions, forcing them to take up
vocational studies in order to get quick jobs and add to the family
We hear so much about Vocational
Courses. Are these really good? Do these actually instill some skills in a
person? Let us examine these and know more.
What is a Vocation?
Basically, vocation is referred to a
person’s main employment or occupation. It requires the person to acquire
certain skills and competence for effective performance.
Vocational Courses:
Vocational courses are more of an applied nature. These courses enable individuals to acquire skills related to a
specific trade, occupation or vocation.
for choosing Vocational Training Courses: The Government of India has realized the importance of
Vocational training and therefore made it an important part of the curriculum
of the students in New Education Policy 2020. Some excerpts: “By 2025, NEP 2020 proposes to get at least 50 per
cent of the learners exposed to vocational education. As the world
integrates knowledge and skills, our children must gain knowledge and the
ability to use the same to solve real-world problems.”
(Details can be referred to, on this space as well as on my
blog Education
Following are some of the reasons for which the person should
consider taking up a proper vocational training course.
· Helps in getting proper career: A general qualification may open the person
to many fields but it becomes very difficult for a person to get and stick in a
proper job because of no vocational training. A person trained in vocational
courses gets into his or her dream career soon.
· Adds to professional competence: It is very important for a person to gain
competence in his or her occupation at any level. He or she may be in the
initial stage; this is only recourse to rise in the career. At the middle and
senior levels, it is all the more important because professional competence
only can help him or her to stay in the job, rise, and effectively control the
junior staff.
· Enables flexibility: These courses are well-designed for the
working people. It adds to their flexibility as per the study program.
Training Courses in Lucknow:
Lucknow is the capital of the most populous state of the country.
It has got plenty of opportunities for the seekers of Vocational training. The
details are as follows. (The contact details have been taken from various
websites and are subject to change):
The world of Education is undergoing a big change. Our country has woken up to face new realities and adapt to rising trends. An indication has come in the form of NEP2020. It will enable the
students of our country to face the real challenges of the world. The
perspectives are changing and that forces us to go for the applied form of
education. Vocational Education is a step in that direction only.
Lucknow is the capital of the state of
Uttar Pradesh. It was felt necessary to explore the scenario of Vocational
Education in the city. It is a humble attempt towards this end.
In the five articles of this series, following this one, information about the following vocational courses is being given-Nursing; ITIs & Polytechnics; Interior Designing & Music and Dance classes; Management and Hotel Management institutions; Air hostesses’ training; Fashion Designing; Personality Development; Cooking and Baking courses.
#VocationalTraining #VocationalTrainingCoursesInLucknow