Preparation Strategy for CA Inter Group 2 for Sep 24 Exams

Preparation Strategy for CA Inter Group 2 for Sep 24 Exams

Planning to appear for CA Inter Group 2 Exams? Need not worry, we have got you a Study Plan to Crack CA Inter Exam.

CA Intermediate Group 2 Subjects:

There are 3 subjects in this group.

Paper-4: Cost and Management Accounting (100 Marks)
Paper-5: Auditing and Ethics (100 Marks)
Paper-6: Financial Management and Strategic Management (100 Marks)

    • Part I: Financial Management (50 Marks)
    • Part II: Strategic Management (50 Marks)

In Group 2, Costing is Practical Subject, Audit is Theory Subject and FM-SM is both Practical (FM) & Theory (SM).

*Please note that the practical papers may include a few theory-based questions, but the majority of the paper will be practical. Vice-versa holds good for theory papers.

In all the three subjects, 30% of questions are MCQs (objective) based and 70% are Subjective based.

CA Inter Study Plan

A comprehensive study plan is necessary to give proper time to each subject. Some students unnecessarily devote more time to theory and less practice time. Sometimes students constantly read the material without any theory as to whether their brain was accepting digits. Trust us, there is no benefit to reading the same point over and over again, you need to revise yourself and test.

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Paper-5: Cost and Management Accounting

  • As per the latest notice by ICAI, Costing will be partially subjective and partially objective in the ratio of 70:30.

  • It is always better to start and be done with the small and easy chapters first. The reason corresponds to the simple fact that all the small chapters collectively contribute to a huge weightage of marks. 

  • Keep repeatedly practicing important questions from important chapters as it is imperative that you think less and produce more on the answer sheet at the time of the exam.

  • Maintain a correction journal to jot down your mistakes for future reference.

  • Maintain a formula book as costing and management accounting has numerous formulas which are to be memorized.

  • Focus more on practical questions than on theory as the relative weightage of marks is greater in the former one.  

Paper-6: Auditing and Ethics

  • As per the latest notice by ICAI, Paper 6 will be partially subjective and partially objective in the ratio of 70:30.

  • Auditing and Ethics is one paper that is tedious to score. Hence, the only path to success is to read and understand each and every provision in order to be able to reproduce it in technical writing.

  • While studying, note down and highlight each keyword and repeatedly revise those keywords. Your presentation or language proficiency won’t matter unless such key terms are included in your answer script.

  • Standards on Auditing should be one area of focus as it covers an average of 15-20 marks and is easy to interpret and learn.

  • Company Audit should be the next priority for 3 reasons: 

    • It is very easy and very interesting to learn

    • It covers an average of 30 marks of the question paper

    • You have already covered it substantially in Paper-2: Corporate and other Laws 

For CA Inter Free Important Notes & Videos by Top FacultiesClick Here.

Paper-7: Financial Management and Strategic Management 

  • As per the latest notice by ICAI, FM-SM will be partially subjective and partially objective in the ratio of 70:30.

  • This subject is equally divided into two sections one is Financial Management (FM) and the other one is Strategic Management (SM).

  • Start from the basic theory and formulas of the chapters so that you can easily solve the difficult-level questions.

  • Make a summary of the chapters. Chart format is preferable because at the exam time revision of the entire course is not possible from the book. So, be ready with the summary notes.

  • It is always better to start and be done with the small and easy chapters first. The reason corresponds to the simple fact that all the small chapters collectively contribute to a huge weightage of marks. Eg: Leverage, Ratios, etc

  • SM is considered scoring and easy. Your language proficiency matters a lot in SM.
  • Write and practice answers instead of merely reading them. This helps in improving your vocabulary which will act as a huge advantage for your answer script.

Few Important Points for Self Study

  • Go through all the important points and make a note of the chapter wise
  • Refer to Practice Manual, Revision Test Papers, Past Year Papers and try to complete all the relevant questions mentioned there
  • In CA Inter, Time management is most important as students despite knowing the answers fall short of time to finish the papers. Hence it is advisable to practice questions in a time-bound format.
  • Solve mock papers.
  • Understand the weightage of marks and plan your time devotion topic-wise accordingly.
  • Most Importantly…Start Studying..!!


CA Inter Resources by ICAI – Mock Test Papers (MTPs) || Revision Test Papers (RTPs)

Last Month before Exams:

    • Firstly, Practice your Critical Topics Which are Important for exams too. It is advisable to not leave any topic for exams as each topic that comes in exams carries a weightage of 10-14%, which can’t be ignored
    • A thorough revision of all the topics and preparation of notes for Exam Day Revision. Exam Day Revision is the most crucial part of CA Inter, as it is of utmost importance to revise or give a bird’s eye view to almost all the topics one day before the exams.
    • It is advisable to prepare one page notes for each topic which is sufficient for you to refer to one day before exams instead of referring to bulky books on the exam day.

Important Points to note :

      • Always write and practice.
      • Learn Point Heading and write.
      • Try for Mock Exams by ICAI and different faculties.
      • Solve MCQ
      • Use Mnemonics Technique to Memorise Headings
      • Make sure to make notes & mark all your doubts while watching the lectures.

For CA Inter Free Important Resources by ICAI, Click Here.

Moreover, You can get in touch with our expert, Miss Abhilasha Sharma or Mr.  Abhishek Bajaj (Mobile – 9051753757) exclusively associated with

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Hope you can find this article helpful. If you did like this Blog then Share it with your friends who are doing CA Inter studies or who will be giving their CA Inter Exams in the near future.  

All The Best..!!

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