How to treat fatty liver disease at home? Here are the top 10 foods that you must avoid after been diagnosed with severe non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD.

Fatty Liver Disease Diet Tips: Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, also known as NAFLD, is a serious health condition that when left untreated can lead to liver failure, severe damage, and even death. According to the latest data from the World Health Organisation (WHO), NAFLD affects millions of people due to poor diet and lifestyle choices.
What is NAFLD? The condition is marked by the excess accumulation of fats in the liver cells, leading to severe and life-threatening inflammation — liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, and even liver failure. While there are several medicines and medicinal procedures available in the market to treat the condition, experts say that one must ensure healthy eating habits as well to support the recovery. In this article, we will discuss 10 of the worst foods to avoid if you have fatty liver disease.
10 Worst Foods That You Must Avoid Eating With Fatty Liver Disease
Have you recently been diagnosed with fatty liver disease? Well, its high time that you start controlling what you are adding to your plate!
Processed Foods
Stop eating processed foods if you have been diagnosed with a fatty liver. These foods are rich in unhealthy fats, sugars, and preservatives that can worsen fatty liver disease. Some of the items that you must avoid eating are — frozen meals, packaged snacks, and fast food.
Fried Foods
Say no to fried chicken, or deep-fried french fries! These types of foods are not only high in calories but also laden with unhealthy fats. The high-temperature cooking methods used for frying can also create harmful compounds, further damaging liver health.
Red Meat
Red meat, particularly processed varieties like bacon and sausages, can be harmful to individuals with fatty liver. These meats are high in saturated fats and can promote inflammation in the liver. Opting for leaner protein sources, like chicken or fish, is a healthier choice for maintaining liver health.
Regular White Bread or Pasta Made With Maida
White bread and other refined carbohydrates are quickly converted into sugar in the body, leading to increased fat storage in the liver. Foods such as pastries, white rice, and sugary cereals should be limited or avoided entirely. Instead, whole grains should be prioritized for their fiber content and lower glycemic index.
High-Calorie Snacks
High-calorie snacks, such as chips and cookies, can contribute to weight gain and worsen fatty liver disease. These snacks are often low in nutrients and high in unhealthy fats and sugars. Choosing healthier snacks, such as fruits, vegetables, or nuts, can help mitigate these risks.
Dairy Products
Full-fat dairy products can be high in saturated fat, which can worsen fatty liver disease. Foods like whole milk, cream, and certain cheeses should be consumed in moderation. Opting for low-fat or plant-based dairy alternatives can be a healthier choice for those managing NAFLD.
This one food goes without even saying anything — alcohol. Yes, you read that right! While NAFLD is non-alcoholic, alcohol consumption can significantly worsen liver health. Even small amounts of alcohol can lead to increased fat accumulation and inflammation in the liver. For those diagnosed with fatty liver disease, abstaining from alcohol is strongly recommended.
Sugary Beverages
Sugary beverages, including sodas and sweetened teas, are high in calories and sugar, leading to weight gain and fat accumulation in the liver. These drinks offer no nutritional benefits and should be replaced with water, herbal teas, or other low-calorie beverages.
Fatty Liver Disease Control Tips: What Else To Keep In Mind?
Apart from managing a highly strict diet routine, one must also ensure that their lifestyle habits are well-regulated. Healthy living lays the foundation for a healthy body, which includes liver health as well. Exercising regularly, managing stress levels, and drinking lots of fluids are essential elements that one must incorporate in their daily routine to fight fatty liver disease naturally.
Remember, a well-balanced diet, combined with regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle, can significantly improve fatty liver disease and overall well-being.
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