The world outside - by Adam Forbes

The world outside – by Adam Forbes

Most people stick with something because of inertia; they can’t be bothered. It’s easier to stay put and requires less effort.

Other people stick with something because of fear of the alternative.

Sometimes it’s a genuine, perfectly legitimate fear.

But very often it’s a fear based on ignorance. Fear of the unknown.

Sometimes it’s crippling, other times it’s not much different from inertia.

A fear we don’t need to face.

From the safety of a job (especially one that’s locked in with benefits) the outside world can seem like something that can be ignored. Your future lies inside the company, shielded from scary places like recruitment consultants, job interviews, application forms – and LinkedIn.

And that may be fine.

Unless that fear of the scary world is keeping you somewhere that’s not good for you, that holds you back; a fear that keeps you trapped.

Then you need to face that outside world before you find yourself in it, unprepared and paralysed.

I was fortunate. I had the fear but I had some time to prepare before I entered the outside world. I volunteered for redundancy and then had five months to get used to it before I found myself on the street (NB dramatic effect).

Before that happened I’d been scared of the outside world. I’d looked over the precipice many times, most years. And each time I’d retreated, all too aware that no job description matched what I’d evolved to do, all too aware that the world outside seemed quite different from the last time I’d been there, all too aware that I didn’t belong outside.

All too aware that I should just stop moaning and be grateful for what I had.

Total rubbish of course. But my distorted reality kept me trapped.

Any of this ring true for you? Are you staying put even if you know it’s not good for you – or what you deserve?

Like staying in the wrong relationship.

It doesn’t even need to toxic or painful – you just deserve better.

There was a positive ending for me – as indeed there is for most people. As I wrote in my book, of all the hundreds of people I’ve researched who’ve left their job not a single one has regretted it.

Not a single one. Read that again.

Because of course, as soon as you step into that unknown world it starts to become known. And you realise that it’s not that different, not that scary.

You just have to leap.

And, ideally, make that leap mentally before you have to in the real world.

Today that’s easier than ever. You can run all sorts of experiments from the comfort of your own home, while doing your job, while taking zero risk.

All ways you can dip your toe into the outside world and both de-risk the leap as well as overcome fear of the unknown.

By the time my gardening leave was over I was SO ready to get out because I’d used some of that time to mentally shift myself into the outside world.

It’s not that I wasn’t scared. But I was no longer paralysed by fear.

Instead I embraced it as part of my development, my new future.

And you will too.

Here are five practical tips to help you dip your toe in the outside world – and maybe even embrace it:

1. Find a role model: get on LinkedIn and find someone who’s a year ahead of you and already doing it. Connect with them and introduce yourself – ask them to spare 15 minutes, you’ll be amazed how happy they are to share their story, advice and pitfalls to avoid. Maybe they’ll let you shadow them or come and see what they’re doing.

2. Volunteer: the quickest way to get direct, practical exposure to something is pro bono, giving your time for free. With your skills, experience and knowledge your hand will likely be bitten off.

3. Mentor: Similar to volunteering but more formal, through a programme, like the one I run for Shell with startups, but there are lots of platforms where you can help others – a great place to test your offer and its demand, as well as build testimonials and your external network. I mentored for three startup accelerators before getting paid for my services for one, which led to the job I do today.

4. Build a landing page: it’s super cheap and easy these days to fire up a landing page on Square Space or Wix or a dozen others and show your service to the world. This’ll do two things 1) force you to define you USP for your target customers and 2) give you something to share with others, e.g. on LinkedIn to get feedback and suss out demand. If you’re feeling flush, you could even put a bit of money behind it and run some Google ads to drive traffic.

5. Run a side-hustle: the ultimate is to “run a business from your bedroom” – use your free time and maybe a bit of that under-utilised time to start work. I’ve known people sideline as coaches, consultants, candle-makers, interior designers, social media trainers…you name it.

This is a golden period for experimentation. Where we can test on the QT, with only the right people watching. Where we can dabble unobserved and walk away without regret costs. Where we can live vicariously in the outside world without leaving the comfort of our own homes.

And all this can reduce our fear and make the outside world appear just what it is: a place of wonder and opportunity for all your many talents. Not somewhere to inspire fear.

Bon courage mon ami, it’s time to back yourself!


This is a final call now for Escapology Live 4 my group coaching – it’s just five weeks, a mix of exercises, discussion and support, discounted to £70 so it won’t break the bank. And it might just make you feel like one person who joined Cohort 1:

“Thank you, Adam! For creating this group that has been so supportive in key moments and guiding us these months. As I said last night, right now, I feel in quite a good moment but I had other moments these months, where being part of this group helped me feel much less alone. I appreciated all of your support and presence a lot”

And another who joined Cohort 2:

“Thank you all so much for collectively creating a safe space for us all to share our thoughts and feelings on this journey… especially you Adam as I know how hard it is to create the right kind of vibe for these things and it was so good to hear about your experiences too in full honesty; you really set the tone!”

Here’s more detail: and here’s the payment link:

There are just THREE spaces left and someone last night said they’re interested and have recommended it to a friend, so if you want to join us to face the outside world together, go now!

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