On Philosophising, Philosophers, Philosophy and New Vistas in Applied Philosophy, by Dr. Sharmila Jayant Virkar

On Philosophising, Philosophers, Philosophy and New Vistas in Applied Philosophy, by Dr. Sharmila Jayant Virkar

A little
bit of context
before you begin reading this book review. I have recently enrolled
for an MA in Philosophy at the University of Mumbai. Philosophy is something I have
been getting interested in, over the past few years, as those of you who have
been reading my blogs and Instagram posts would know. During the pandemic, I thought
long and hard about what I wanted to do next, and this is what I eventually
came up with. It has been a challenge, getting back into academics as a student
at this age, especially in a subject I have no academic background in. However,
it has also been very exciting, especially thanks to my wonderful classmates
(who, surprisingly, are of all age-groups, including some quite near my own)
and my teachers, who have been very supportive and understanding. How well I
will do is something that remains to be seen, but so far, I am enjoying this
new journey and look forward to where it leads.

Now that
you know the background
, you probably get an idea of how and why I am reviewing
a book which is obviously on Philosophy. However, before you think that this is
going to be a post filled with philosophy jargon, let me reassure you…. This is
not going to be a technical review, and the only reason it appears here on the
blog is because it relates to what I have been writing about for all these
years. So do read on, and I would love to hear what you think of it.


The story
of this review
begins last week. It was our last day of class before the Diwali
vacation (yes, I have Diwali vacations now!!) and Sharmila ma’am, who teaches
us Contemporary Indian Philosophy (which involves the philosophy of Lokmanya
Tilak, G.G. Agarkar and R.D Ranade among others), walked in with a book. She usually
brings books related to the philosopher she is teaching, but this time, she said
it was her new book, which had just been published. Now, those of you who know
me, know that I can’t ever keep my hands off books, especially new ones, so I was
among the first to stretch my hand out for it.

And what a
surprise it was
. I expected a philosophical tome, considering the title. Instead,
the first page I turned to, had ten points (yes, bullet points) explaining what
is philosophy. I flipped through some more pages, and found more points… and questions….
And more questions. We obviously did not have time to read the book in the
class, so I requested her permission to borrow the book to read, and she graciously
agreed. Over the next few days, I found myself going over the book every now
and then, flipping through the pages, reading at random. It’s a small book, and
can be read at one go, but it isn’t the kind of book you read at one go. Its one
which is meant to be read slowly, critically. It is meant to provoke thought.

So, what is
the book about?

Sharmila ma’am
she was inspired to write this book during the lockdown, a period when she
found herself unable to interact with students as she has been used to. The situation
made her think of philosophy in a different way, or rather in a manner
different from what is usually taught in class, philosophy which we encounter
in our everyday life, but from the point of someone who has spent her entire
life immersed in philosophy.

The book attempts
to answer the kinds of questions those of us who take up philosophy face – Why
philosophy? What is philosophy exactly? And so on… and in trying to answer
these questions, Dr. Virkar talks of philosophy in various contexts, all of
which concern our regular, day to day lives. She speaks of such varied topics
such as the Philosophy of Archaeology, of Traffic Management, of Heritage, of Vacations,
of Relationships, of Food, of Fun Philosophy and the philosophical analysis of
home. She writes about the Philosophy of Tourism and Philosophical Tourism, of the
Philosophy of Photography and Philosophical Photography… the list goes on. And
she talks of these, not just as topics, by trying to expound on them, but posing
questions which can be raised in each of these fields. These questions are by
no means complete, they are her questions, but considering her background, they
are quite comprehensive.

It is
to think of answering a few basic questions with many more, but
that is exactly what Dr. Virkar does in the book. Through her topics and questions,
she tries to bring out the fact that philosophy is not something that exists
outside the world we live in, but it is very much a part of our lives, whether
we study it or not, and whether we are aware of it or not.

These questions
are meant to provoke thought, which is what philosophy essentially is about.

The book
has other,
heavier, topics as well, such as Humanity and Humanitarianism, Corporate
Yoga, Business Epistemology, Philosophy of Management and Existence at Four
Levels. However, each of these topics are dealt in a very simple manner, touching
upon topics in an easy language, without going in too deep. Each of these topics
is an excellent read, whether you know anything about them or not.

So that’s
what the book about. But why did I like it so much?

I was hooked,
as soon as I read this from the introduction –

is nothing but conceptual geography elucidating interconnections among seemingly
unrelated concepts or highlighting the known connections in radically different

I could not
have put it better,
but this quote summarizes perfectly, my journey from
physics to travel writing to aesthetics and heritage to philosophy. Making connections
requires asking questions, whether the questions are articulated or not.

My internal
from my travel experiences, and visiting temples, led me, first to
Jnanapravaha Mumbai, where I began to make the connections between what I knew and
what I was seeing, through all that I was learning. That led me to the Asiatic,
which is where I developed an interest in philosophy, and began to read more
about it, which is what has led me to where I am today, and what I am doing
now. Where it will lead me next, remains to be seen! But there is no doubt that
questions like these are the crux of everything we are, everything we do,
whether we are aware of it or not. This only highlights the importance of
asking these questions in the first place, of being conscious of these
questions, and acting in accordance with them.

There is
another aspect
of this that I must mention. Samhith, as a student of the IB
board, had, as one of his subjects, the Theory of Knowledge (TOK). As part of
this, they were encouraged to ask radical questions about how they know what
they know. This, I know now, is the essence of Epistemology, but it was taught
not as a philosophy, but as critical thinking. During the pandemic, one of the
things I enjoyed most, were those discussions with him related to TOK, though I
think I learnt more from him than he did from me! Reading this book reminded me
of many of those discussions, and made me wish once again, that philosophy was
taught to us at school as it was to him! Books like this, and questions like
these, will go a long way in bridging that gap. 

P.S. The book was launched today at the University. It will be available online for sale. 

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