World Bank Definition

World Bank Definition

The World
Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans and grants
to the governments of poorer countries for the purpose of pursuing capital
projects. It comprises two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development (IBRD), and the International Development Association (IDA).
Motto: working for a world
free of poverty
Headquarters: Washington,
Membership: 189
countries (IBRD), 
      173 countries (IDA).
Formation: July  1944
President: David Malpass


  • IBRD and
    its associates institutions as a group are known as the world bank.
  • In 1945
    it was realized to concentrate on reconstructing the war-affected economies.
  • IBRD was
    established on 5th December 1945 with IMF on the basis of the recommendations
    of the Bretton wood conference.
  • That is
    the reason why IMF& IBRD is called Bretton wood twins.
  • Difference
    between IMF and IBRD are world bank provides long term loans for promoting
    balanced economic development, while the IMF provides short term loans to
    member countries for eliminating BOP disequilibrium.
  • The
    eminent world economist George Schultz had suggested in American economic
    association conference in Jan 1995 for the  merger of IMF & world
  • Every
    country of the IMF automatically becomes a member of the world bank.
  • If a
    country leaving the membership of the IMF can continue its membership with
    world bank if 75% of members of their banks give their vote in their
  • IBRD
    started functioning in June 1946.
  • World
    Bank and IMF are complementary institutions.
  • Aims to
    reduce poverty in middle Income& creditworthy poorer countries by promoting
    sustainable development.
  • India is
    a member of four constituents of the world bank group i.e IBRD, IFC, IDA &
  • Each
    member has 250 votes plus one additional vote for every 100,000 shares of the
    capital stock held.
  • World
    bank also provides technical services to the member countries for this, the
    bank has established the Economic Development.
  • Institute
    & staff college in Washington.
  • In 1958
    bank played an important role in establishing India Aid club for providing
    special economic assistance to India now its  called India
    Development forum.
  • India
    borrow from IBRD & IDA.
    Political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environment & legal.
  • CAGE-
    Cultural, administrative, geographic & Economic.
  • Organization
    structure are Board of governors, executive directors, president act as a
    chairman of executive directors.
  • World
    Bank provides 30% of total loans to the power sector, 30 % to the transport
    sector and the remaining 40% to agriculture, fisheries, mining, forestry,
    The industrial sector, technical assistance, population control, tourism,
    urbanization drainage etc.
  • The World Bank Group today consists of four closely associated
    institutions propitiating the role of development in the member nations in
    different areas. These four are:


1.     IBRD (International Bank for reconstructions and
 the IBRD IS AN international financial institution that offers
loans to middle-income developing countries.
2.   IDA (International development association):- IDA
is the part of the World Bank that helps the poor countries to reduce poverty
by providing interest-free loans and grants for programs aimed at boosting
economic growth and improving living conditions.
3.   IFC (International finance corporations): IFC came
into force in 1956, as an autonomous body. Its main objective was to assist
private enterprises in developing countries by providing them with risk
capital. Since the world bank does not provide risk capital, it provides only
loan capital.
4.   MIGA (Multilateral investment guarantee agency): the MIGA
came into force in April 1988. It provides political risk insurance to investors
and lenders in developing countries.
5.    ICSID (International center for settlement of
investment disputes):
ICSID came into force in October 1966. It settles investment
disputes between foreign investors and their host countries.


·       To
provide long-run capital to member countries for economic reconstruction &
development (for rehabilitating war ruined economies % peace requirement).
·       For
assuring a balance of payment equilibrium & balanced development of
international trade.
·       To
promote capital Investment.
·       To
provide a guarantee for loans granted to small & large units and other
projects member countries.
·       To ensure
the implementation of a development project so as to bring about a smooth
transference from a war time to a peace economy.


1.     Owned
& directed by the government of member nations.
2.   Almost
every country on earth is a member of both Institutions.
3.   Both
concern themselves with economic issues.
4.   Both
focus on broadening & strengthening the economies of their member nations.
5.    Hold
joint annual meeting.
6.   Headquarter
is at Washington DC.
7.    Share
joint task forces sessions& research efforts.
8.   India is
a founder member of IBRD.
9.   The
voting rights of member countries are determined on the basis of member
country’s share the total Capital of the Banks

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