31. Just 10 simple Tips
to nurture your child’s curiosity
The author had
mentioned the importance of curiosity in his article “28. Why is my child so curious?”, published earlier in
this space.
Why do we need to nurture this curiosity?
The children can learn about the new things only if they are
curious. A study by Sophie von Stumm concluded that curiosity leads to a
brilliant academic performance. It is only a curious child who will try to find
out answers to his queries by asking the parents and teachers; consulting
books, and even from his surroundings. We, as parents and teachers, need
to work on nurturing the child’s curiosity if they lack it.
So, what are these 10 Simple tips?
Encouragement– Be your child’s best friend. Talk to him
about his day at school; look out for his interests and hobbies; and ask him
open-ended questions to let him bring out his doubts and queries.
Be simple in your reply– Ask simple questions and encourage him
to enquire and reply. Convince him fully with your simple, age-appropriate
answers. However, beware, your child can make out if you are being evasive.
Be enthusiastic– Remember, your enthusiasm is contagious. It
will encourage him to interact positively with you and help you in bonding with
Say ‘NO’ but suggest alternatives also– Sometimes, he may be
curious about something harmful or inappropriate for him. Don’t just snub
but find out an equally interesting alternative.
Ensure safety– Keep plug points covered, sharp things and
medicines in a safe place, and hot surfaces out of their reach. Nurturing
curiosity does not mean to expose him to the risks. He should also be told
about the dangers from these things in an easy, understandable manner.
Keep home atmosphere serene– Can anyone expect his
child to approach his quarrelling parents to ask something? He will suppress
his questions. A calm and serene atmosphere brings out natural instincts of the
Give him creative items to play– The video or computer
games showing aggressive behaviour may entertain a child but will not nurture
his creative genius. Instead of that, he will be better off solving puzzles,
creating items from the blocks or drawing and painting some art work.
Let him develop a hobby of collection– If he takes up a
hobby of collecting things like postage stamps, old coins, seashells, small toy
cars, colourful pebbles, story books, photographs etc. he will, automatically,
have many questions germinating in their minds about these items.
Give them tools of knowledge– Let the children’s
interests also grow with them. Give them objects like magnifying glass;
magnets; measuring tapes; binoculars; laptops etc. to let them develop their
natural instinct for learning.
10.Take them to new places– New places would mean
new experiences, arouse their curiosity and make him more knowledgeable.
The author has tried to
give practical tips on the subject. If the readers want to go in for more
details, the author would recommend the website: www.parentcircle.com
link: https://www.parentcircle.com/article/your-curious-child/
Curiosity indicates the presence of a
healthy mind in a child. It should be nurtured by the parents and elders. An
atmosphere of love, peace and security will help them develop into a normal
human being who maintains inquisitiveness in life to move forward in the
positive direction.
#CuriousChild #Children’sCuriosity #Curiosity #InquisitivenessInTheChildren #CuriousChildrenAndParents
The author wants to know your take on the subject. Do you appreciate your child’s
inquisitiveness or get irritated? The comment box on the blog awaits your answers.
You may also express your views there or on the author’s
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