
5 Positive Mindset Changes To get Unstuck………..

At some point we all feel that it is high time we change the bad habits or habits that no longer align with the direction of our progress and betterment. But habits do not change overnight. For us to work on it we need to have a shift in “Mindset”.

             We all have different mindsets , some of us have a growth mindset on intelligence and fixed mindset on personality or vice versa. Mindset is nothing but a powerful belief that is formed in your mind and like your change your mind on small things like cancelling your plan to go out and rest instead , you can always change your mind on some essential patterns that you follow daily for a positive and highly energetic soul building.

1. No Phone Morning Mindset…

You brain is a circuit of thoughts , it registers the first thing you see in the morning and connects the dots all day. The mood you carry for the first half-hour after you wake up energizes or dooms your day at different levels. It reflects so much in everything you do. So make sure your precious first hour is at heartsease. 
       My personal experience of not looking at my phone at least an hour after I wake up has brought me phenomenal personality changes.  I have shifted my mindset to not look at my phone in the morning and believe me that is one of the best decisions I have ever taken towards  a digital detox and digital minimalism. 

2.Embrace Your Body Mindset. You are not flawed.
Own your magic. Study the science of your body and take full control of very fiber that you are made up of. You are perceived in “n number of different ways to n number of people around”.It is not necessary that your negative perception about your own body is also how others perceive you. Do not set standards for yourself by comparing yourself to others. But you should definitely work towards gaining better strength and health by recharging your body , give your body what it needs and take away what it does not.
               Have you ever seen the most powerful and impactful people in history ever showed an insecurity about their looks and have your heard anyone talking about their body instead of their achievements?That is because these powerful people own their magic , embrace their body and trust they are not flawed but are made unique to look a certain way and thats perfectly alright. Always remember “confidence” is your best ootd (Outfit Of The Day) and “smile” is your best make up.

3. Tomorrow is unpredictable Mindset.
Nobody in the world can ever predict what will happen tomorrow. It might sound pretty cliche when we say “live in the moment” or ‘live everyday like it is your last day”. But have you ever got to a point where I have wasted so many years worrying about things that are immaterial to me right now or delayed working on something that you wanted to , just because you have 3 to 4 more decades of life in hand?. We always count the days to come , but fail to see the days that are gone and will never come back.
            Instilling an attitude of doing 3 things everyday that you want to do and doing it right away without excuses will increase your will power , adjust your level of procrastination , feed your brain with contentment. Because you never know about tomorrow , if you want to do it , at least leap from “thoughts” to small set of “actions” right today.

4. Friendships Vs Expectations Mindset.
We all have friends , some just friends , some good friends and some best friends. We have different expectations from different set of friends. If you expect the same from all three sets you will end up getting disappointed. And especially when you expect things in silence and wait for the magic to happen. You have to voice out expectations and draw a fine line. With best friends, we always want may be a little less than equal reciprocation and we definitely get disappointed if that does not happen , You can voice out your opinion and hurt to your best friend. 
                     It is definitely different when you have some extreme expectations , you will have to introspect if you are asking for too much. For some friends , the reciprocation is not too important and it should not be for you as well. We all come from different backgrounds and surroundings , so somebody will do something only if they want to do , not just because you want them to do. So shift your mindset to “let me do my thing and let others do their thing” , but help each other when required. When you keep it light you will never go into an un-enchanted mode of disappointment.

5. Flip the Script Mindset.
 Filtering Thoughts : You magnify the negative aspects of a situation and filter out all of the positive ones. Instead flip it and just see only the positive aspects.
Personalizing: When something around you is unpleasant or something bad happens, you make it about yourself. Instead flip the thought and say it to yourself that not everything in this world is about you and happens only to you.
Catastrophizing: You automatically anticipate the worst. When you think about the worst that is going to happen all the time , You will attach every disappointing element to that thought and intensify your mood. Instead flip that thought and think about the best you can get out of any worst situation.
Outfit by : Pastels and Pink.

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