
10 Things to Learn Before You Turn 30……..

I don’t know how to start  , I have taken a break from writing for few months now. I took this time to process myself , the changes , the monotony and the thrive for substantial content on this blog. Please come back here to read me always and point me the direction to write the life down in words .

1. Find Your Bulls Eye:

Let me break this down to you by exemplifying an incident in The Mahabharat. Arjuna was the most favorite all the students for Dronacharya when teaching the art of warfare, for when he was asked what can he see on the tree where Dronacharya placed a wooden bird to put his subjects at test , the rest had very trivial answers like a wooden bird , the tree and its branches. But Arjuna replied that he could only see the “eye of the bird”. this story gives perspective as to why Dronacharya thought there was no warrior quite like Arjuna. This reply is reflective of his abilities to streamline all his focus towards the goal.
    Do not fail to separate your distractions from your goal on your path to achieving it. Know your targets and concentrate only on achieving it by putting your chaos that are pretty obvious aside.

2.   Identify What You Want For Yourself.

By the time you are 30 not knowing what you want is a dangerous place to be. We need to know where to go to prepare ourselves to learn how to go. Identify what it is that you want at every step of your life. Sacrificing yourself to please others  and stay in good books never works out. It will drain you over a period of time and will cost you your Mental Health and Peace. Say goodbye to limiting beliefs about life for it is limitless and you can get so much out of it.

3. Living The Moment.

Time is something you cannot reverse. The time that you might have spent regretting your past and the time you might have spent worrying about your future could be the most valuable time that you might have missed in that moment. The past and future cannot be controlled , but your present is something you can live the way you want right at the moment. Be present in the moment and live intentionally , observe small sounds , smells and sights around you. Stay content every moment , your brain releases happy hormones – endorphins, dopamine and serotonin whilst enjoying the small moments of happiness.

4. Stand Up For Yourself.
                       Nobody other than you can come to your rescue immediately when something affects you. You have to stand up for yourself just like you stand up for your friends or family in the need of the hour. Always think with both heart and mind. Your heart holds you emotional side whereas your brain balances you intellectual side. If you know you are being drained , taken advantage of , bullied , deceived or being hurt stand up for yourself and close the doors to any such activity. Standing up for yourself always does not mean you should react adversely to the situation or people , take adverse actions and reciprocate the same malicious behavior to the counterpart. Instead walk away , draw your lines , limit access unless you’re physically or mentally harassed for which you actions can be stringent.

5. Do Not Fear Rejections.
                                      Rejections are not failures. Rejections are not the result. Rejections are not the end of opportunities. Absorb rejections in every aspect of life and walk past. New doors open up , you will meet new people , you will come across new opportunities. Do not take rejections emotionally.

6.  Stop Pretending To Be Someone else.
                                            You must choose to stand out rather than fitting in. Do not pretend to be someone else to please the crowd. The real you is something your are made up of that makes you unique and desirable. Do not lose yourself in the pursuit of making others happy and getting a validation that might not last long, Coz the impressions crack and opinions change. Let them be based on your true , original and irresistible personality.

7. Take Care Of Your Health. 
                              In your late 20’s you are least bothered about some deficiencies that you body is carrying quite for some time. But when the reality hits , it hits harder. The effect one one issue in your body could carry on to others and can lead to unsolvable complications. Realize this fact at very early stages and do not brush of any long lasting health issues. Coz Health may not specifically be Wealth but it sure has a key role in the smooth functioning of your life.

8. Reset Your Goals.
                                             If you no longer connect with ‘why’ you are doing what you are doing, It is time to reset your goals. For example , when I started this blog I wanted to write only about fashion and affordable choices just like my counterparts at that time. But as my journey progressed I have identified myself with a multitude of substantial writing about life , positivity , goals , success , motivation , mental health , personality development and Minimalism. In particular, I have flipped my blog completely into a lifestyle blog, which I thoroughly enjoy writing now. I have reset my goals. And if you think it’s probably time to reset yours , please do.

9. Stay Close to numbers.     
            By that I mean by now you should have learnt to balance your financial goals , be very good with what numbers are coming in and what numbers are going out – Your earnings and Your Spendings. Set a goal to retire early in your life. If your mathematics is on the tip of the tongue at every step , you will fare well in your finances. Discuss with your partner , sketch out a monthly expenditure journal. Wealth is not how much you spend , It is how your grow , find a purpose, strike a balance and find your ground.

10.  Be Unapologetically You.

               If you are a people pleaser , it is probably time you shed off that personality and stop pleasing others , rather work on your identity that you might have buried deep inside. 
              If you have insecurities , it is probably time you let them go. You cannot take control of a situation you can only control your reaction. 

             Stop comparing yourself with others, we are made to be unique  , not to be like each other. 
         Stop making it all about yourself. This very thought of what others think about you will never let you live your life the way you want to. It is a busy world and everyone is probably dealing with their own battles. Live your life and let others live theirs. 
         Avoid small talk.  Build your surrounds , attract the ones with similar personalities , discuss ideas not people , work on projects together , pat each others back , be a person to whom they can come back to and lend a shoulder , avoid any negative talk and do not judge a person , instead judge the situation. Empathize but do not let anything over power you.

Outfit :  Pastels And Pink  ( Instagram) .  (Facebook)

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