24.b.10 amazing tips for developing writing skills of the children

Having talked in detail about the importance of writing skills, we
must consider various ways for effective development of the writing skills of the children. We can begin with the school stage and can go on progressively.
Please remember an early start gives the advantage of being ahead, provided the pace is maintained. Some basic tips are as follows:

1. Vocabulary book– It is a very good way of developing a vocabulary for your children, especially the little ones. When they read, they are bound to come across some difficult words. Make a copy for them with separate pages for different letters. They have to write that word and its meaning on the page
starting with its opening letter. For example, ‘Elephants’ has to be written on page E. They create their own dictionary of useful words in this manner.

2. Reading-Please encourage their reading habits at all levels of the academic journey. The more they read, the more ideas they get to write. It may not, necessarily, be their coursebook. A nice storybook may also teach them nicely about writing skills. Their vocabulary and spellings develop and so does grammatical understanding also. Remember, good writers, are good readers too.

3. Adopt a fun way– This is so true about the little ones as well as the grown-ups. Word games like Scrabble, crossword puzzles or other such fun ways can fuel great writing skills in an easy manner.

4. Handwriting– Good handwriting is very important. There are many exercise books available for this purpose. The children may be encouraged to write in these and practice good handwriting. It is best done at the pre-primary and primary levels.

5. Diary– A little older children, say junior level, may be encouraged to write a short account of their prominent daily activities in a diary. Believe me, initially, they may resist but once they get into the habit of writing a diary, it becomes a fun activity for them to read it after a few days.

6. Small letters or messages– Children may be encouraged to write small messages or letters to you or their relatives and friends.

7. Stories and poems– Encourage them to express their creative side in the form of a story or poem. Find out their interests and ask them to write about it. For example, your daughter may be obsessed with her doll. Tell her to give it a name, imagine it to be a little girl, and write about it. Praise it, even if it sounds absurd but do give your suggestions and let them develop it in their own way.

8. Give them clues– You can give them some clues and ask them to weave a story around it. It will be fun and keep them absorbed in a useful manner. You will not be able to believe how much it might have helped their writing skills.

9. Exchange notes with them– Write down messages for them and ask them to reply back.

10. Follow up – Keep a proper check on their writing. Keep pointing out their mistakes. Ask them to correct these. They may also be encouraged to improve upon their handwriting. Don’t let them carry on with the grammatical, spelling,
punctuation, or any other mistakes. Whenever required, ask them for improvement in the writing styles as well. 
Writing is an important practical life skill. While developing great writing skills requires lots of time and patience, you can help your child with these simple writing exercises for kids.


           Writing skills are very important for the students to march ahead in the academic journey. It helps them immensely in later professional life as well as they get equipped with very important tools required for the success of any endeavor that they may undertake. 

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The writer R. C. Verma has
laid emphasis on good writing skills in this series of two articles. Please
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