These days, the biggest problem with the children in academics is that they just don’t want to write. Writing practice of the paragraphs will help them towards better writing skills.
Mr. William Zinsser, a journalist par
excellence, non-fiction writer best known for his book, On Writing Well,
has advised about writing the paragraphs as-
your paragraphs short. Writing is visual – it catches the eye before it has a
chance to catch the brain.”
What is a Paragraph?
It is part of a write-up, be it fiction or non-fiction, which it
composes. All the articles, write-ups or stories have content. Paragraphs help
to break this content into various sub-contents to make it interesting and
easily readable. Each Paragraph comprises of related sentences that take
sub-content forward gradually. The paragraph should be changed with each change
of thought, idea or sub-plot in a story. Thus, all the paragraphs of content
take the narrative forward.
How much should be the length of a Paragraph and how many paragraphs
should comprise a write-up?
There is no fixed rule. It depends upon the narrative.
How should each paragraph be structured?
Generally, the opening sentence of a paragraph introduces topic of the
paragraph. It is followed by the supporting sentence till the concluding
sentence that ends the paragraph to transition it into another one nicely.
Requirements of good paragraphs
1. Unity– Each paragraph should be narrating
one idea or a sub-topic. Every sentence in the paragraph expresses that idea in
some detail. It is ideal to start the paragraph with the key sentence-
describing the topic/theme/ subject of the paragraph and then concluding it with
a transition sentence for the next paragraph to connect properly with its first
2. Order– The thought / sub-topics of the
paragraphs need to have some logical sequence in the presentation. This sequence
can be in the order of occurrence or importance of various ideas under the main
topic. However, all the sentences must relate to the main topic of the
paragraph. The sequence should be able to build the narrative nicely and appear
to be logical.
3. Variety– All the paragraphs can have different
lengths and not necessarily be of the same construction.
How to turn good paragraphs into great ones
It depends upon how well we can engage the reader in our paragraph
construction and their logical arrangement. The essential condition is that
each paragraph should take the central idea or the narrative forward.
When to change the paragraphs
Each paragraph should be self-contained in terms of the sub-idea. In
case, the topic has conflicting ideas or different points of view, these should
be mentioned in the separate paragraphs. Similarly, if some new idea is to be
presented then it should begin in the new paragraph.
How to write single paragraphs
If asked to write a single short Paragraph on any one topic, it can be
treated like a short essay. The following tips can prove to be quite useful.
Plan it well– Good planning is required for
anything and everything. Generally, a topic or a prompt is given for building a
paragraph on it. This has to make the central theme and all the sentences need
to be built around it. For example, if the topic of the paragraph is about the idea
of a perfect day, the attempt should be to make perfection to be the central idea
of the paragraph. One should keep to the topic as far as possible.
Collect all the relevant information– It is important to
create an idea or resource bank of information about the topic. These can be in
the form of some points and later organized to create a good paragraph. If it
requires some digging up or research then do it.
Structure the paragraph now– Logical order is
the most required thing now. All the ideas, thoughts, and facts need to be
arranged in proper order. However, it is better that instead of writing the
paragraph straightaway, these points are arranged in serial order and then
the paragraph is woven around these.
Review of the paragraph– Once the paragraph
has been completed, it is very important to check it for the spellings and
grammatical errors. These glitches can spoil the entire hard work gone into
writing the paragraph because these have a glare of their own. Similarly,
punctuation and use of capital letters have their own importance. While
reviewing the paragraph, due importance should be given to this side also.
Style of writing– It is very important to have the same
style of writing. If the narrative is in the third person then the first or the second
person should not be used without proper reason. As far as possible, the usage of the same words should be avoided in the same sentence or nearby sentences. Synonyms
are very good alternatives.
Consistency– Consistency of the thought and idea
is very important. If not taken care of, they impede the flow. If the narrative is
in the active voice avoid using passive voice in between.
Avoid using long sentences– Long sentences can
be boring for the readers and their usage should be avoided.
Completion– A final glance should be given to
ensure that the idea behind the paragraph has been completely explained.
However, it should not be too long also. If so, editing is the required job to
Breaking the narrative into logical paragraphs is a very important and
thoughtful process. It gives semblance and logical flow to the entire exercise
as also a great style to the written word. It definitely ensures good
readability and once practiced properly, converts an average write up into a
well-presented one.
As for writing a single paragraph, the entire focus should be on the
central theme or the prompt given or the topic. It should be properly woven
around it.
Reviewing it nicely is crucial and time should be kept for it.
The author was inspired from the following website for writing this
#WritingParagraphs #ParagraphWriting #Paragraphs
The author has given some creative ideas and tips on writing paragraphs
or a single paragraph.