34. Some more parenting tips

34. Some more parenting tips


Oh Wow! So we are parents now. Can we believe it?…..

Karen and Joshua were on top of the world. Karen had
become mother of a cute baby girl, Tina. She had been preparing for motherhood
for quite some time. They had read a lot of books and surfed the internet for
the tips so as to become the most ideal parents.

Let’s share some of the knowledge that they gained.

Parenthood is a boon given to all the living beings
for carrying on the process of generation ahead. It is a wonderful feeling of
creation that only the parents can understand. However, once you become a
parent it is not for just one day but the entire life. It is full of
responsibilities and sacrifices, too.

A few important responsibilities for the parents
towards their children are:


Good Healthcare


Positive Values


Let’s examine them one by one!

Proper nurturing

The first and the foremost thing to do is to keep your
expectations under check. Parenting is a gradual process of learning, too. It
all begins with love, care and warmth for your child. These are natural
feelings given by the nature to the parents. Don’t be miser in showing them. A hug
or a cuddle is all it takes to show these to your child. Interact with them in
a real sense. Talking to them, while watching television or with your work
brought home from the office or during WFH, so common these days, is just an
eye-wash and done just for the false satisfaction. Your children long for your
response to their stories. Listen to them and respond with full attention. Keep
positivity alive and be their friend, mentor and confidant. Remember, your
children will remain children for you during their entire life.

In case of improper nurturing, such as in disturbed
families, the children see the quarreling; shortages; absence of one of the
parents due to death, divorce or sickness; or other similar problems, the
children do not attain natural physical and mental growth. Either, they become
too much meek and coward or, gain aggressive demeanor. If we pick up family
background of the criminals, most of them come from disturbed homes or pick up
bad company, which again is the sign of improper nurturing.

Taking good healthcare

Our health issues have grabbed the eye-balls during
the Corona pandemic. Remember, children and old people are more susceptible to
it. However, besides this, regular healthcare of the children should never be
ignored. Don’t overlook slightest symptoms. Of course, you don’t need to be
paranoid about it but one should be vigilant. It begins with vaccinations. In
their early age, visit to a good pediatrician is very helpful. Monitoring of their
growth, both physical as well as mental, should be your prime concern.

According to the latest report published by the
Government of India as up to 2018, 30 children out of every 1000 do not survive
in our country. It is because of improper healthcare facilities. Therefore, if
you are lucky enough to get proper healthcare for your children, don’t ignore.
The children are delicate creatures and need good healthcare.

Improper healthcare may result in stunted growth,
health complications, disturbed academics, behavioral problems, mental
delinquencies and even problems in the social adjustment. Irregular healthcare,
ignorance of health issues such as eye-related, dental problems, stomach-aches,
headaches or any other physical/ mental agony, may be damaging in the later
stage of life.

Real Education

Education holds prime importance in our lives. It is
the duty of the parents to arrange for proper education of their children.
Starting from basic education, middle school, senior school, college, up to
professional or vocational education should be monitored thoroughly.

As per Government statistics, nearly 85% of urban and
69% of rural population is literate but cross your hearts to tell, if literacy
means education in its true sense? It is very urgent that the children do not
do only rote learning but it should be applied in nature too. Our new NEP-2020
is a right step in this direction. Please refer to my article “NEP-2020-What
does it mean” on this space or on my blog Education 2020 (link:
eduofday.blogspot.com). Proper education should necessarily be holistic in
nature. The child must come out of the portals of the institution as the one
blessed with the best of attributes like compassion, care, discipline, punctuality,
synchronization with others, honesty, communication, social skills etc. besides
the brilliance in the academics.

Lack of this real education, may result into the
person going for criminal activities, in order to get some short-term gains. An
example can be taken from the life of Osama Bin Laden. He was highly educated
but it was used in the wrong direction and the result was 9/11 disaster that
changed the world suddenly into drastically.

Instilling Positive Values

Our values hold a very important place in the life.
Believe me, it all begins at home. A well-endowed, culturally-rich family
reinforces the life of the children with positive value system. Such a child is
never a failure and comes out strongly out of the challenging situations,

If the parents do not instill good values, the
children are bound to pick up the negative ones. It is very easy to get into
the bad company and take up wrong attributes. Therefore, cautiousness about the
children’s company is a must.


These tips are only few in numbers. Attributes such as
Compassion, Courage, Humor, Thoughtfulness, Presence of Mind, Wit, Wisdom,
Simplicity, Practical Approach, Helpfulness etc. play very important role in
the children’s life.

Although, it is too early for Karen and Joshua to
implement but they are vigilant parents and Tina is really lucky to have them
as her parents.

#Parenting #ParentingAdvise #ParentingTips #Parenthood

The author R C Verma has shared some of his personal experience in the form of this article. Please post your critical views in the comment box here. This is also available for reading on www.lucknowcity.co.in in the education section.


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