It’s a time of intense celestial activity—February 28’s seven-planet alignment will be followed by the Venus retrograde from March 1 to April 12, 2025. The last time Venus was in retrograde was between July and September 2023 and this year’s retrograde will highlight the cycles and themes that unfolded for you eight years ago. This time, Venus retrograde begins in Aries and concludes in Pisces, marking a symbolic beginning and end with Aries being the initiator of the zodiac wheel and Pisces being the culminating point. Read on to know what the Venus retrograde will bring forward for your zodiac sign.
Gear up to reclaim your power like never before, Aries. If you’ve obsessed over your treasures like Scrat with his acorns in Ice Age, the universe is likely to shake things up for you. With the retrograde dance beginning in your sign, you may feel all the feels and question your goals, only to come of age on the other side of this seemingly manic time. Remember to redirect your focus inward to get the best results outward.
As your home planet slows down, you, too, feel the urge to deflate and huddle up in your cave. Certain decisions, however challenging, are meant to be taken and these must be made, graciously allowing old chapters to close while focusing on the reset the cosmos is bringing your way. A long-term outlook will help you rise above fleeting temptations.
Your outgoing persona may feel stifled during this retrograde, but that is only fodder for growth. This is your opportunity to master creation through stillness and release your pulsating life force in ways that uplift you, irrespective of what your environment is compelling you to believe. This is when the cosmos gifts you a dusty old lamp: whether or not you choose to rub it is entirely up to you.
You may find yourself in serving others, but in only serving others, you may lose yourself too. Venus comes in hard with revelations about self-worth, making balanced decisions and watering your own tree. Rethinking Long-term financial goals, restructuring your work schedule and taking a chance by releasing the rut that keeps you chained will help you grow.
Focus is your keyword for the next 42 days. Let go of the hocus pocus and point your wand to the most important things you wish to create. Not all that is broken needs fixing but what would you like to fix in the long run? Choosing your battles and standing your ground are two things you will master on the other side of this retrograde.
Are you fixated on tradition or rooted in it? Adaptability, flexibility and steadfastness are unfolding for you as you not only burn away old cords and attachments but also your linear ways of thinking. You may find yourself questioning everything from self-worth to your relationships. How were things then and how are they now? How did they get to this point? What’s the way out? Pause the overthinking and accept bygones as bygones.
While you may be more action-oriented during this time despite your home planet being in retrograde, you are encouraged to cut through the fog by listening to your intuition. When that feels like a hard thing to do, alternate thinking and creative solutions may save the day. These will come easier when you focus on deep breathing.
Your inner child may be screaming and your old wounds may feel like they’re being split wide open. However, this is your time to let your mind lead over your heart. Clear out the clutter that holds you back and take this as your chance to right the wrongs inflicted upon you; not by dealing the same blow to others, but by nursing yourself.
Take this time to infuse self-discipline, routine and willpower into your life so that your sleepless nights and fragmented energy realign themselves, bringing you back to your centre. Allow the world to captivate your senses, making you wonder about everything you encounter. At the same time, continue with your efforts to seed something long-term.
You are healing at the very core—an ancestral challenge, a habit you didn’t realise you have, a feeling of lost love or loneliness—but through it, you are rising. Your soul evolves rapidly as you ascend to higher planes of consciousness. Choose wisely all that you wish for, expecting only the best to follow. Remind yourself that there are no consequences, only results.
A new interest may catch your fancy as will life skills like financial planning, investing and charting out your goals. This time will feel abundant and prosperous while also teaching you the importance of balancing your masculine energy (logic, rationale, action and strength) with your feminine energy (creativity, receptivity, intuition and nurturing).
As the retrograde dance culminates in your zodiac, you draw from the inner reserves of your creative energy to manifest a life of your liking. Your relationships thrive as you focus on the smallest things that make you feel content. Your fears around security dissolve into thin air as you begin to acknowledge all the ways in which you are looked after by the cosmos.