Yoga For Instant Energy Post-Lunch: Try to add these amazingly effective yoga exercises to your afternoon routine to feel energetic and positive instantly. Check the benefits of these asanas and make sure to switch to a natural remedy like this, instead of grabbing coffee frequently.

Are you someone who is tired of facing sudden drop in energy towards the afternoon, especially after lunch? Well, if you are, then this article is for you!
Afternoon fatigue or post-lunch fatigue is a problem for many. We often end up feeling sleepy, lazy and energy-deprived after having lunch, but the lifestyle we follow doesn’t permit sleeping in the afternoon hours. What’s the remedy then? A cup of coffee? No! Motivational music? No! The best and the most effective way to beat afternoon fatigue post-lunch, is to practice powerful yoga asanas.
In this article, we have discussed the top 7 yoga exercises that you can do to after lunch, to feel energetic and positive instantly.
7 Yoga Poses For Instant Energy Post-Lunch
Practicing yoga after lunch can stimulate your body, aid digestion, and improve your mood. Here are the top 7 asanas that you can do daily in the afternoon to feel energetic and healthy naturally:
Seated Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
The first asana that we suggest in order to beat afternoon fatigue is Seated Twist, also known as Ardha Matsyendrasana. This posture engages all the muscles of the body – releasing stress and fatigue instantly. This asana increases blood circulation to your abdominal organs and massages the intestines – leaving you body and mind feelings positive and energetic.
Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)
The next asana that you should practice daily in the afternoon to beat fatigue and feel energetic naturally is Cat-Cow Pose, also known as Marjaryasana-Bitilasana. This yoga exercise helps in properly stimulating the digestive organs, helping the body digest the food properly — producing energy instead of leaving you tired and fatigued.
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
Child’s Pose is a calming and restorative posture that is perfect for winding down after a meal. It stretches the lower back, hips, and thighs while encouraging deep breathing, which helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system and aids digestion.
Forward Fold (Uttanasana)
The next yoga posture that you must try to add to your afternoon routine is Forward Fold, also known as Uttanasana. Practising this posture post-lunch helps in stimulating digestive organs, promote healthy digestion, and thus beat fatigue naturally. Uttanasana helps to reset your energy and bring more awareness into the present moment – try it daily to see how magically this exercise helps in beating post-lunch fatigue or tiredness.
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
Cobra Pose is a gentle backbend that opens the chest, stretches the spine, and stimulates the digestive organs. It helps to relieve fatigue and promotes deeper breaths, which are essential for boosting energy after lunch.
Standing Forward Fold with Shoulder Opener (Uttanasana with Shoulder Stretch)
The next yoga exercise that works great in managing post-lunch fatigue is Standing Forward Fold with Shoulder Opener or Uttanasana with Shoulder Stretch. Practicing this posture daily in the afternoon helps in releasing stress and tension from the upper body parts — leaving you feeling energetic and positive instantly.
Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani)
Legs Up the Wall is a restorative inversion pose that helps to improve circulation, reduce swelling in the legs, and calm the nervous system. It’s an excellent way to rest while giving your body a gentle energy boost, particularly after a heavy meal.
So, instead of grabbing strong, black coffee after lunch, try to practice these asanas daily for instant boost of energy and postive mindset. However, fatigue is also linked to some serious health conditions, which requires proper medical interventions. Make sure to consult a doctor or an expert when you face this problem of post-lunch fatigue regularly and more frequently.
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