If We Were Having Coffee – My Soultalks

If We Were Having Coffee – My Soultalks

If we were keeping our coffee date and sitting in our favourite cafe, listening to the strains of soft Jazz on the piano, playing in the background, I’d tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to our meeting this time.

It’s been a while since I last met up with a friend and had some down time catching up and connecting over coffee.

Sounds simple, right, to meet a friend over coffee? Well, it used to be, until a few years back, but now, it’s impossible to find that friend who’s free to take the time out and join you! Everyone’s busy, we catch up on brief calls if at all, and only meet virtually, and while I love my own company and enjoy my solitude, there are moments when I wish I could meet a friend face to face.

The longing for a human company is real, though!

So, if we met, I’d tell you how tough the week has been for me, juggling work, chores, hospital visits, health conditions, and things like that amidst low energy and living life mostly as if one were a bullet train, running from station to station, at breakneck speed, silently counting the days for a pause to come!

I’d tell you how I’ve been feeling exhausted lately, and how thinking of heading out into the wilderness for a break has kept me going—a trip to some place quiet where i could unwind myself and come back rejuvenated and refreshed! You won’t believe it, I’m so ready I could pack my bags and leave right NOW, if I could! 😄

And, while I’d share all this, I’d also ask you how life has been treating you lately and if things have been good with writing, and work and all those wonderful plans that you had spoken about when we started the year on a fresh new plate. I’d love to hear about all those things that have been keeping you up late into the night, as much as those wonderful surprises that life would have thrown your way.

Have you been blogging/writing as per plan or did life hijack them and make you wonder how to claim it all back? Because, that’s what happened to me over the past few weeks. I’ve tried to publish my posts once in a while but not as per plan. I’ve simply not had the leisure to reflect and write, I guess…you could say, life has been happening and I’ve been swept along with the flow.

I’d also tell you that I’ve been reading more than I did in January, but it’s still not been at the pace that I set for myself, when I prioritised reading at the start of this year.

If we were having coffee I’d tell you that while I’ve been showing up everyday, I’ve actually been feeling low on the inside, lacking in enthusiasm or the drive—you know that sense of feeling depleted—yes, pretty much that and although I know it’s a passing phase, I so wish life was a pack of cards so I could reshuffle things and get back to my pace, with renewed vigour, enthusiasm and energy!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’ve become allergic to attending social dos and parties where people talk superficially and there are no heartfelt conversations or soul to soul connections, that are meaningful or healthy! I’ve stayed away from such gatherings and yet, one part of me wants to find a tribe that would have my kind of people and my kind of conversations!

Wishful thinking? I know, I know!

If we were having coffee, I’d share how I find myself retreating into a shell every now and then…sometimes unable to process the emptiness, sometimes unable to unwind from endless work and sometimes, feeling confused and bleak about life in general…some days, wondering why we all live like islands, isolated and cut off from the mainland, with no desire to connect with one another! So paradoxical in the times of 24×7 connectivity!!

And perhaps, through all this unburdening and baring of our souls, through the pangs of loneliness and disconnection shared, you and I—we could perhaps, both find a few moments of bliss and comradeship; maybe a sense of warmth and a few words of reassurance and understanding that might make us feel more whole and stronger to get on with the highs and lows of life.

Have you been to a coffee date lately? How was it for you? Looking forward to catching up on your updates and wishing you a great month ahead in March!

May March see you bloom in all the ways that you aspire to, may life treat you kind, may you find ample opportunities for growth and self care and may you find those moments to chill out with loved ones and the good friends as well…last but not the least, may you enjoy doing all the wonderful things you love doing anyway!

See you again in a couple of weeks time to share my updates on my next coffee post.

Until then, take care!

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